16 September 2015

MMDA Shake Drill 2015


How do we prepare for the ‘BIG ONE’?

On July 30, 2015 at exactly 10:30am, the children of Little Harvard Academy participated in the Metro Manila Shake Drill.

The kids watched videos about earthquake drill and listened to the recordings of a rumbling earthquake, siren and warning signals that are to be expected during an earthquake. The teachers taught the kids things to do in preparation for an earthquake. They learned about the “DROP, COVER, HOLD” position to protect themselves and avoid injuries.

The kids also got tips for staying safe such as avoiding shattered glasses after the earthquake. The teachers and staffs participated in the Shake Drill too. They made a signage of the school’s logo to let the kids know where to go and whom to follow.

It is yet another fun-filled experience for both the kids and staffs of Little Harvard Academy while at the same time learning important safety information!

Nurse Nicole

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