26 June 2015

Open House 2015

HeROAR everyone!

The Jungle Safari Themed Open House held last June 4, 2015 (Thursday) was a huge blast! Around 25 families of 3 to 5 members each came to visit and join the event. Can you imagine how many people had fun in the middle of the jungle? 
the campsite! can you find the hanging monkey? and the bonfire!
 the jungle vines
 the giraffe and the bean bag cat getting cozy
real dried leaves!
They enjoyed playing in the play area while an orientation is being done in one of the rooms conducted by the School Administrator, Ms. Katherine Chua. A specially chosen story book was also shown by the school’s head teacher, Ms. Grace Dy. 
zebra mask! hooray!

The kids did enjoy making animal masks and binoculars for their art activity. Snacks were also provided to keep the kids full and prepare them for the Zumba activity afterwards. Though tired, the kids were still ecstatic showing off their moves in the dance floor with teacher Mark Valderama, their Zumba instructor.

tired? not yet!
owl loot bag
LHA Family extends their gratitude to all the families who attended and had fun during the open house, to the parents who unceasingly helped their kids in the different activities. We wish to see you soon in the next open house activity! Share the fun! Stay connected and together let’s Lead High Achievers!

Teacher Demi  ♥♥♥

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