29 September 2017

Mooncake Festival

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! It is also known as Mooncake Festival. In China, it is one of the important festivals next to Chinese New Year. It is a day of thanksgiving, reunion, and it is when the moon is believed to be full and bright. Last 29th of September 2017, the Little Crimsons celebrated by getting together and enjoying the activities prepared. They were all excited to win prices! 

The Little Crimsons who got the chong guan prices are Yaleena from the toddler class, Jeian from Nursery 1, Mayo from Nursery 2, and Ornan from Pre-K. All the students received prices and at the end of the day the Little Crimsons brought home a mini mooncake given by the school. It was a fun-filled day for all the Little Crimsons!!!

01 August 2017

Earthquake and Fire Drill

Earthquake and Fire Drill

The Little Harvard Academy had its earthquake and fire drill last July 14th and August 1st 2017 respectively. These are done to prepare the students from any unlikely circumstances. The earthquake drill aims to teach the students what to do during a real earthquake and they need to do the drop, cover and hold procedure. After doing so, the students fall in line and walk down the stairs to vacate the school under the supervision of their teacher. The toddlers were the first to evacuate the school followed by the Nursery 1, Nursery II and Pre-Kinder, Once they are in an open area, the teacher then did a head count to make sure the little crimsons are complete and safe. The same procedures took place during the fire drill. As soon as the bell rang, the students, along with their teachers fall in line and went out to the building near the school where it is safe. After each drill, everyone went back to the school building and the teachers make sure all the kids are back in the building safe and sound.

21 July 2017

Who Am I?

Last July 21, 2017, we had a culminating activity for our very first school theme: “Who Am I”. The Little Crimsons spent their first month of school learning all about themselves: their bodies, their names, and so much more!

The day started off with the students looking for their mini-me dolls and dressing them up in uniforms and shoes. Then we had a visit from our cardboard friend Bob, who needed our help in assembling his scattered body parts. The Little Crimsons were willing and very happy to work together to help identify his body parts and place them in the correct order. They also turned paper bags into beautiful puppet creations and had a great time playing pretend with their friends. Everyone went home full of fond memories and with lots of new friends!


17 January 2017

Field Trip 2017

Last January 17, 2017 we had our Manila Ocean Park field trip. All the Little Crimsons were so excited and full of energy.  We arrived in the place as scheduled.  Our first stop was the “Jellies Exhibit”.  The Little Crimsons were amazed to see the different glow-in-the-dark jelly fish.  Our next stop is the scary “Creepy Crawlers”.  The Little Crimsons were able to see various kinds of frogs, spiders, insects, lizards, as well as different kinds of colored snakes.  But the highlight was the huge python where some of my little friends got scared.  Then we proceeded to the “Sea Lion Show” and our little Crimsons were able to rest and have some snacks.  Of course, they enjoyed watching the two sea lions waving and saluting at them.  After which we had an up-close and personal encounter with the stingray.  The children were able to touch and pat a real life stingray.  Of course, the day will not be complete without the Oceanarium.  The children marveled at the sight of all the different marine life while walking through a tunnel-like glass aquarium.   Next was the “Trails to Antarctica” where we saw the cute and lovable penguins walking and swimming.  Imagine, penguins in a tropical country!!!  Our last stop was the Yexel Toy Musuem.  Our Little Crimsons had a blast playing in the snow and taking pictures with Minions that were as tall as them.

And as always, we ended the day with fun-filled experiences and precious memories.